It looks artsy and all, but sometimes the artfulness somehow put me off. Truly, I adored the fact that there were comics (would you believe that?) in between the pages, but the rest seemed unnecessary sometimes. Still, I liked how I can imagine the characters and scenes easily enough, thanks to the illustrations, and it was pretty cool how the extra drawings and shadings helped in the overall development and atmosphere of the book, so the artsy stuff isn’t so bad.
Speaking about development: this book is really quite action-packed. All the pages of this book were dedicated in telling us the fascinating adventures of Erik and the Dopple twins. Interestingly enough, the book narrates what happened in the span of just a few hours! It was honestly breath-taking and pretty exciting.
I’m definitely looking forward to the next installment of this series, and so does my youngest sister, who is currently in elementary. While the setting is dark and the words sometimes too much for my kid sis’s vocabulary, she enjoyed it as a whole and summarizes the experience of reading this as “AWESOME”. (She doesn’t read much, but she does adore the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.)
Totally cool.
The First Escape by G.P. Taylor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars